日本薬局方第18改正告示-Japanese Pharmacopoeia 18th edition-

薬局方 改正 告示 薬事・薬機法 /Regulatory Affairs


Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) latest version(18th edition) has come into force since 7th June.


5 years has been past since the last 17th edition issued.


Here is the link for Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP).



Here is the link to the English version on the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Unfortunately, the translation for 18th edition is not available yet as of 8th June, will be available soon, I hope.



One of the revision point is the implementation of the ICH-Q3D Elemental Impurities Guideline in the general rule no.34.


According to the general rule no.34, when risk assessment is performed, it is no longer necessary to test the elemental impurities such as heavy metals and arsenic specified in each monograph.


Also, as for user friendly, better accessibility to the English version of Japanese Pharmacopoeia and more prompt translation are being considered and improved.

ホームページに、以前はなかった「English Version」というボタンが現れたことが個人的にはすごく嬉しいです。

‘ English Version’ button has appeared on the website, it is a good improvement especially for me.


Then we can send a link to someone who do not read the Japanese. Before having this ‘English Version’ button, people who do not read the Japanese can not access to the exact information.
